Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Somebody or Something Doesn't Want Us to Go

A funny thing happened to us on the way to the MTC. First me (Bob). I had to have typhoid live virus pills for which I always get flu like symptoms. There are 4 pills in the series, one to be taken every other day. The first two nothing. The 3rd, I get a reaction like the flu, aches and pains everywhere. The 4th nothing until about 2 hours later it feels like someone kicked me in the back. I can hardly move. In fact I end up using Jan's old cane just to go to a family 4th of July outing. After 3 days I decide I'd better see a doctor. He prescribes an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers. After about 6 days, I'm basically back to normal but the whole experience takes about two weeks. Now Jan. She's doing her normal daily exercises and pulls a muscle in her hip. She can't hardly move. After 3 days she decides she'd better go to the doctor. Pain pills and muscle relaxers are prescribed for her. We're now about 6 days into this bout and she still can't get around. Neither her episode or mine have any bearing on anything logical. We weren't doing anything unusual. The only thing that we can think of is that "whatever" plus the stress we've been under is trying to keep us from our appointed task.
Jan did shout as loud as she could at the devil - "You can't deter us! You're wasting your time!!
By the way - if you can spare an extra prayer (we don't want to impose on anyone, as we know you all have your own problems - but) we could sure use some help in the prayer category! :)

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