Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What's On The Tray?

I had some requests for a closer look at the tray!
Yes, on the left, those are cut-up raw wienies! They were actually quite good dipped in the hot sauce in the bowl top left.
In the middle are deep fried chicken wings. The rest is tomatoes, veggies (including lettuce, radish and jalapenos) and pickles in with the wienies.
There were a lot of other trays with different items. There was even a tray of Sushi and it was excellent.


Anonymous said...

you know whats worse than cut up weinies? Cold cut up weines with pickles! Oh my oh my!

Anonymous said...

sorry that was supposed to be "weinies"

Elder Robert & Sister Janet Taylor said...

When you're wet and cold and you've missed lunch even cold wienies taste good!