Sunday, August 5, 2007

Google Earth View of New Home & Office

This is kind of cool and obviously works whereas the video clip of Lulu will be for later on.

On the right of the picture you can see the large roof top of the Killarney Mall. Across from there I have marked Dukes Court, our home away from home.

Just as we were leaving South Africa the last time, work was being done on the parking area between the mall and the apartment building. The picture shows the construction in progress. I hope this is an older picture and the work is now completed. We're thinking that the mall will be a safe place to walk as an exercise venue.
To the right of the mall you see a major freeway that cuts through the heart of the city. You can also see a piece of a golf course in the top right corner of the picture. Across the small side street from the golf course is the American Embassy. This will be very handy in case we need to be evacuated by helicopter. Oh wait! That was Saigon! I'm getting my stories confused!

This picture shows the route that we will take from the flat to the office. According to Google Earth the distance is about 1.8 miles.

A little too far to walk/run, especially wearing bullet proof vests and full combat gear! Did I mention that this part of the city is a little dangerous! We'll be leaving a full security parking area underneath our apartment building - driving to the Temple and passing down a gated lane with security that passes beside the temple, then driving down the hill to the the office complex where we will be parking our car under the offices in a fully gated security garage. We will then be using our secure passes to enter the building. Note: Sometimes I think we take for granted our relatively safe life and freedom from fear that we have in the United States. As someone once said - you can measure the desirability of a country by how many people want to get in and its undesirability by how many people are trying to leave.

The large building in the center of this third picture is the LDS Temple. The meandering building through the wooded land and down the hill from the temple is where our office will be.

This complex also houses the distribution center, Temple patron housing (for those visiting from other countries), the genealogy library, cafeteria and other offices which I don't remember.

The large playing fields across the street from the Temple are part of the Sports Complex of the University of Johannesburg. Up the street from the Temple (not shown in this picture), is one of the major teaching hospitals of South Africa. Very good health care is available in South Africa to those who can afford it.
We will be arriving in South Africa on September 1st. We leave the U.S. on August 29th and have garnered ourselves a one day lay-over in London (at our own expense, I might add) to minimize jet lag and travel fatigue. We are getting older you know!!

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