Sunday, August 26, 2007

MTC & Beyond - Up, Up and Away

The MTC experience is behind us. What a wonderful place all those young missionaries, with such high levels of energy. A highlight was Wednesday when the new young missionaries arrive - about 400 plus each and every Wednesday. Their suitcases are lined up all throughout the corridors outside the buildings. What a sight! They sure have a system for getting the new missionaries in and getting their parents out. After the welcome meeting, the parents exit the assembly hall by doors on one side and the new missionaries exit by doors on the other side to not see each other again for two years when they meet again at their arrival airport.

Besides the serious meetings there was time for some fun. One day at lunch (can you imagine that they feed over 2000 missionaries at each meal time in a two hour period) we sat across from some missionaries going to Taiwan. I started talking Chinese to the young man in front of me in Chinese (gibberish for sure on my part!) but I said a few thing s that sounded real and I was serious in my delivery and he was trying really hard to figure out what I was saying. Finally he looked at me quizzically and asked if I knew Chinese. He had only been studying for 5 weeks so I had him really confused!! We had a good laugh and we ran into each other another time in the cafeteria and he came up to me speaking in Chinese and I answered in gibberish and we had another good laugh.

Another touching moment was when two young missionaries approached us at a meal and asked if they could bear their testimonies in Italian. One spoke and the other translated for us into English then they switched places. We could tell that they were putting themselves out and really trying to master their new language.

Tuesday evening Elder Neuenschwander was the guest speaker for the devotional. He was wonderful but it was also an inspirational moment to be be in one hall with so many dedicated and well mannered young men and women. The senior missionaries had reserved seats front and center which made us feel a little special. And of course, we sng the signature missionary hymn - Called To Serve. Not a dry eye in the house!!

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