Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sri Lanka - Our Heroes Return

This picture of Pam and Gaylin Thomas was taken in front of their mission headquarter offices in Singapore. Their assignment however, was not so "jet-set" desirable. They have just completed 18 months as the Humanitarian missionaries in Sri Lanka. This assignment had many facets some of which included the distribution of wheelchairs to the handicapped, support of a non-profit factory that built artificial limbs for amputees, the distribution of hygiene kits to orphanages, the digging of fresh water wells in remote villages, sandbagging around the humblest of homes (read "dirt floor huts" as we privileged Americans would refer to them), assistance to Tsunami victims, re-building destroyed homes and the list goes on and on. Not to be overlooked was their spiritual leadership among local members of the Church in that area. They have also been working hard as goodwill ambassadors to see that the Church achieves "recognized" status. That is a status required by the government so that members of the Church there can participate in government programs such as schooling.

For those of you nor sure where to find Sri Lanka on a world map, It is the large island formerly referred to as Ceylon, that is just south of India and is in the Indian Ocean. (Note, to those of you from Utah: The Indian Ocean is NOT that big body of water near Salt Lake City that Indians used to camp around!)
It is a country that is currently divided by civil war. Pam and Gaylin have many stories of danger and intrigue as they went about doing good in the Lord's service. In fact the area near where they lived was bombed from the air, (by Cessna & Piper Cub fixed wing aircraft, no less, much to the chagrin of the Sri Lanka Air Force that is equipped with supersonic jet fighters). One of the bombs fell just a couple of blocks from where they lived! The international airport of Columbo was often under attack which required frequent closing of the airport to international commercial flights. Follow this link to learn more statistical information concerning this country.

Pam and Gaylin have been our friends for nearly 25 years. We became acquainted with them when we first moved to the Kansas City area in 1983. Gaylin at one point in this period was the Bishop of our Church ward. We have children who are of similar ages and they were friends during their school years. Also for a little time, Jan and Gaylin worked together in a small meat processing company.

We're glad to welcome the Thomas' safely home. We were at their Church homecoming addresses today in Manti, Utah. Pam wore a beautiful Sri Lanka customary dress and Gaylin brought along his treasured "Sri Lankan water carrying pot".

I'll leave this post of the Thomas' with some their parting thoughts. They think they'd like to go on at least another couple of missions! Bless them!! 18 months on this mission was long enough! They are glad to be back to their children, grand children and friends. Pam is hoping that going on missions is like giving birth. After about a year and one-half they hope they'll forget the really difficult and painful parts and be ready to do it again! (smile)

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